2nd Amendment


As President, I will not sign ANY legislation that attempts to further restrict the 2nd amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.  As Republicans, we need a leader that will bring our party together with this one simple theme, the Dems have only one goal and that goal is to disarm every law-abiding citizen. The reason is simple, they want to be able to complete their fundamental transformation of our country. They want to be in power forever and control EVERY aspect of our lives. I believe that I am the only candidate that truly understands this. That’s why I believe I am the best choice for the Republican nomination for President.


He are some of my plans to protect and strengthen our 2nd Amendment rights.
  1. Challenge in court many of the restrictive laws passed mostly in Democrat cities and states that I believe are Un-Constitutional. This includes every place that restricts guns currently. My goal will be to make it easier for law abiding citizens to obtain firearms LEGALLY along with the proper training. This will reduce crime and mass shooting victims.
  2. Make it easier for law abiding citizens to obtain either concealed carry, or open carry permits. I believe this will drastically reduce the number of mass shooting victims by being able to take down a shooter quicker than waiting for law enforcement to arrive.
  3. Accountability Act. Make it a criminal offense if someone knows that a person is about to use a gun to commit a crime and they don’t report it to the authorities before the crime is committed.  I believe this will also reduce the number of mass shootings. In almost EVERY mass shooting, there were plenty of missed signs and so many lives are and continue to be lost needlessly. If anyone knowingly makes a false claim against another person say in divorce or custody proceedings, will themselves be charged.
  4. Make it required by law, anyone experiencing mental problems, even if it’s current or ex-military personal must be shared with all appropriate agencies. This probably would have prevented the tragic Maine mass shooting.
  5. Strengthen penalties and jail sentences for crimes committed with a firearm. We must remove violent criminals from our streets and neighborhoods. How many more innocent people, especially kids need to die needlessly before people say enough is enough and vote for someone that will finally do something to stop this madness?

The horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel on October 7th is just another reason why there can’t be ANY restrictions on LAW ABIDING citizens right to bear arms. If you are frustrated AND feed up with all the craziness going on in this country like I am, then we need a President that truly understands this and only wants to fix things for EVERYONE. Then I believe that I am that person. I am not running for myself, my ego, for money or power. I am only running because GOD has called on me to. I will need your support and your vote in order to do what’s necessary to save our country.

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