
My first and most important endorsement is from GOD. He is the “soul” reason for my candidacy. When the REAL BIG GUY calls on you to run, then you must take a leap of faith and do so. The way I see it, if he supports me, then I think it’s O. K. for others to support me as well.

If you know Scott and would like to tell others why he would be the best choice for President, then please share it here with the country. Also, if you read my platform and agree with me, then please share it here so other Americans can see why.

If you are tired of the ways things are and want someone that will put regular Americans first, then I need your support and your vote.

Randy Seiler: I endorse Scott Ayers for President because he is smart, honest, and a trustworthy man.  I can always count on his word and he has never lied to me.

Johnathan Jacobite: Scott is what the USA embodies. I could see him sailing the Delaware with Washington if he was alive in 1776, writing he constitution on the boat ride with George. The man is as American as they come.

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