
This is one of the most difficult, yet one of the most important issues facing Americans’ today. I believe this is another issue that makes me the best Candidate for the Republican Nomination for President and then President of the United States of America. I am the only candidate that realizes this AND will tell people the truth… that our government is lying to us about EVERYTHING. According to recent data, 1 out of every 2 men, and 1 out of every 3 women will develop cancer in their lifetimes. The most troubling and mostly preventable stat is, 1 in 285 children in the U. S. will be diagnosed with cancer by their 20th birthday. On one hand politicians allow their friends in the big Corporations to make billions of dollars by intentionally poisoning us for profit with all the chemicals they call FOOD, so on the other hand, their friends in the Pharmaceutical and other Healthcare Industries to make billions of dollars in profit to then treat us. I am the only Candidate running that will pledge to put people in charge of EVERY Federal Department, Agency, and Sub-agencies that will be for us regular Americans. Not for the Corporations like every past President in modern history, including Donald Trump. Donald Trump said that he wanted the cleanest air and the cleanest water, so why did he put people in charge of Government agencies like the way he put former lawyer/lobbyist from the coal industry Andrew Wheeler as head of the EPA and then instructed him to not enforce the clean water act. This caused untold numbers of especially low income and people of color to suffer unnecessary health problems including increased exposure to cancer causing forever chemicals in our countries drinking water. Almost half of our countries water, including private wells are contaminated with forever chemicals. Our government allows millions of illegals into our country and gives them free stuff including free healthcare when millions of us American citizens not only bear the cost, but also get worse treatment. If you are tired of this like I am, then I am the only candidate that will fix this broken government once and for all not just make empty promises.

My whole approach to the country’s health crisis completely different from EVERY other Candidate in either party. I will be focusing on PREVENTION first, instead of treatment after the fact. This will not only save millions of lives but save us trillions of dollars. This is another way I will be able to cut government spending and reduce the National Debt. Just imagine what you can do for you and your family with all that extra money. First, I will provide a list of very informative Documentaries on the free service, TUBI, that helps prove my statements above and help educate Americans to help themselves and their families have better health and save thousands of dollars on totally avoidable healthcare expenses every year.

My model for health care coverage will focus on  DCP, Direct Cash Payer, also known as DPC, Direct Primary Care. This offers basic care with unlimited access for a nominal monthly fee. Plans vary, but many also offer generic prescription drugs for pennies on the dollar. They also can have other procedures such as MRI’s at wholesale prices from local providers. Then combined with either health sharing ministries or catastrophic plans for other unexpected needs will give better care at a substantial cost savings by not having to deal with insurance companies for EVERY problem. The first documentary explains more details.

  1. Diagnosing Healthcare, 2020. This will show the main outline for my Healthcare Policy

    because the “Unaffordable Health Care Act” not only isn’t working, but is actually destroying our “healthcare” system.

  2. Cancer: The Integrative Perspective, 2021. This exposes my point on how the Government is lying to us and allowing Big Corporations to poison us for profit. What causes cancer AND common-sense solutions to reverse it.
  3. The Diabetes Solution, 2021. This shows how people are being lied to by our government on how to treat diabetes. This not only shows how to virtually eliminate type 2 diabetes, also, how to better manage type 1 diabetes. AND save thousands of dollars!
  4. Is Sugar the New Fat? 2022, changing what this exposes will be one of my top priorities. This is probably the number one cause of most totally avoidable health related problems our country faces today. Why are no other candidates talking about any of this?
  5. What Lies Upstream, 2017, This exposes how lobbyists and their lawyers are actually writing legislation that our Representatives are supposed to be doing working on OUR behalf. Thus allowing their big corporate donors to poison us for profit. I will end this.
  6. The Great Culling, Our Water, 2012, This exposes another BIG Government lie about poisonous fluoride and the link to developmental problems in children. Just look up how many other countries have already banned it.
  7. Phosphate, 2021, This shows where the poisonous fluoride actually comes from and why Florida has the second highest rate of cancer and of the reasons why Ron DeSantis can’t be our party’s nominee or our next President because he allows this to continue.
  8. Public Trust, 2020, Exposes more government Lies, corruption, and how Donald Trump was telling us he was doing things for us the American people, when in actuality, he was doing those things for his buddies in the big    corporations. He tried to get rid of the EPA in 2018, 115th Congress 1st session, Bill HR861. It’s in the documentary. This would have allowed his buddies in the big corporations to poison us even easier. Luckily for us Americans’, it failed.
  9. Plastic Earth, 2023, One of the most eye opening, yet, but also give me great hope for the future AND shows the climate change hoax the government is pushing isn’t the biggest existential threat to our planet. Petroleum based plastics and all the other chemicals being used is. As President, I will make this one of my highest priorities.
  10. Burzynski, 2010 and Part 2 in 2016. If you or any family member has had cancer, or even worse died from cancer, then this will make you as angry as it did me, and further prove my point on how our government lies to us about EVERYTHING. This man discovered a treatment for many cancers over 40 years ago, but because of Big Pharma’s money, the government has been withholding Federal approval at our expense. Finally, after 40 years, it’s now in phase 2 trials. Currently it’s has only available in Texas.
  11. Pet Fooled, 2017, If you are loving pet owners like my wife and I are, then this is a must see documentary. It exposes how our government also allows big corporations to poison our pets for profit too! I will also fix this.

    I think a candidate that is a loving, responsible pet owner should get extra consideration because I think it      shows a deeper level of compassion which is truly lacking in today’s toxic political environment.   

  12. Gluten: Public Enemy? 2021. Gluten free and low fat products are just another government lie that allows the big corporations to poison us for profit.
  13. Healthcare Unmasked, 2018, Donald Trump promised to repeal and replace Obamacare, just another empty promise he didn’t deliver on.
  14. FAT: A Documentary, 2019. FAT: A Documentary 2, 2021. More proof that EVERYTHING the Government tells us is a lie even about what foods to eat and what causes most health problems that are TOTALLY preventable if only we change the way we eat and what we eat. I will put the right people in charge of the appropriate agencies to once and for all fix this. 
  15. The End of Medicine: 2022. This excellent documentary exposes more proof on how our government is allowing big corporations to poison us for profit through the food they tell us to eat.

These are just a few EYE-OPENING documentaries that should make you as angry as they did me! I am the only candidate running that not only knows these things but is willing to fix them for my fellow Americans. That’s why I need your support and your vote.

Here's a tip for those of you that have kids with asthma, switch to giving raw milk instead of pasteurized milk and certified organic vegetables and in most cases, it will clear it up.

I will also focus on the declining mental health state of our country, especially in our young people. I will make tele-health a priority. I realize so many people are living on the streets homeless because on mental health issues or drug addiction. I believe you can not wait for them to ask for help, but we must take them off the streets and put them into the proper treatment facilities. I will help pay for this by stopping the government from giving people money to live on the streets and use drugs and by ending all the billions of our tax dollars that we send over seas to countries that either hate us or are corrupt and don’t give their people the help that the money is intended for.

I also believe any one size fits all government approach to healthcare is a mistake and huge waste of our tax dollars because we all know there is so much waste, fraud, and abuse. That’s why I need your support and your vote.

We need someone who doesn’t just want to play President, but actually be President, not spend nearly a year of his Presidency on the golf course after bashing Obama for doing the same. I don’t play golf so no one has to worry about me going back on my word.


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