Student Loan Forgiveness

First, I will take the student loan program away from the Federal Government because that’s the number one reason tuition’s are out of control. This is another issue I disagree with Donald Trump on. He had the chance to fix it years ago, but another missed opportunity. As for current student loans, sorry, if you agreed to the terms of paying it back, then you are responsible for doing just that. Also, calling it student loan forgiveness isn’t right because what the Democrats are actually trying to do is to make us tax payers pay the bill for the students who actually signed the contract to pay it in the first place. 

Under a Scott Alan Ayers administration, due to the shortage of qualified workers in certain fields for the chosen professions listed, after graduation each year the graduate works in said chosen field, 10% of the students’ loan principal will be covered by the Federal government per year over a 10-year period until paid in full. Each year after graduation interest only will be paid by the graduate as long as they continue to work in said chosen field. If the graduate doesn’t complete the required full 10-year commitment, then they are responsible for the remaining loan balance. I believe these professions are some of the most important to our society. Currently, there are drastic shortages of quality people going into these fields. Something must be done, I believe this is a good start.

First Responders; Police, Fire Fighters, EMT’s, Paramedics.

Nurses and other essential Medical personal such as Anesthesiologists, X-ray techs, etc.

Sorry M. D. ‘s are excluded unless they join a DCP Network as talked about in the documentary Diagnosing Healthcare 2020.

Aviation industry; pilots, flight attendants, air traffic controllers, maintenance crew, etc. 

Teachers Pre-K thru 12. As long as they adhere to my Department of Education’s National policies. If not and they quit or are dismissed, then they are responsible for the tuition.

Of course, our great military personal shall have their tuition covered no matter what profession they choose. This applies to student debt accrued before or after their military service.

On a separate note, I will push for more trade school enrollment. Too many kids go to college without a plan on how to turn what degree they acquire into a career to support themselves AND to pay off their student loans.  Also, more thought and research needs to be done between parents and their kids, not only to decide if college is actually necessary, but to choose the right school. They must also make sure the school aligns with their principles and values.

I will not sign any budgets that continue to add to our National Debt by giving tax payer money to wealthy Ivy League colleges when they don’t need it. This also applies to school that doesn’t teach American exceptionalism, doesn’t support our friend Israel, uses DEI, or discriminates against women by allowing boys identifying as women to compete against them.

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