

Abortion is probably the most divisive subject out there. When I was younger, I was pro-choice. As I got older and saw the science of how fast the fetus develops and how soon the heart beats, I became  pro-life. As President, I would be bound by the Constitution. When the Supreme Court ruled on abortion, it became a states right issue as it should be. Personally, I believe this issue cannot be solved by the Federal government through legislation.


As President, if any legislation were to cross my desk setting restrictions on abortion, I would not be able to sign it. The reason being, there is nothing in the Constitution covering Abortion. On the other hand, if somehow the Democrats were able to takeover both chambers of Congress and send a bill to my desk codifying their radical position of unrestricted abortion up to the time of birth, then I would DEFINITELY Veto it! Instead, I believe that we need to focus on getting out the facts on the science and trying to win the hearts and minds of the American people. Encouraging women to get ultrasounds from one of the many groups that offer them for free. How come no one is talking about how way back when, the Democrats used the reasoning Abortion should be rare, safe, and legal? No matter what side you fall on, we need a President that will stress whenever we disagree on this or any other issue, we must do so PEACEFULLY. If you can agree with me on that, then I need your support and your vote.


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