US National Debt



I am the only candidate with a simple common sense 4 step plan to fix inflation, the economy, budget mess, the National Debt, and start to address the Social Security Trust Fund problem all at the same time. 

No more deficit spending!

No more Continuing Resolutions!

No more Debt Ceiling increases!

No more kicking the can down the road!

No more wasting our tax dollars!

Under a Scott Alan Ayers Presidency, the Federal government will start living within its means, just like us regular Americans.

  1. Pennies Plan with a Twist.
    My plan cuts the over-all budget except Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and veterans benefits every year until our National Debt is paid off. Once I am sworn in, we will see what the National Debt is by then and see what the amount is that we have to use to start cutting the budget. A balanced budget is not good enough. Each year the budget must be reduced less than the yearly tax revenue in order to immediately start paying down the National Debt. This plan allows for flexibility from year to year in case of unexpected things such as a National Disaster. Just to be clear, ANY increase in one area, must be offset by cuts somewhere else.

  2. Eliminate Base Line Budgeting.

    As President, I will not sign a budget until we start with a zero-budget process going forward. Also, no more Continuing Resolutions, only the 12 individual appropriations bills with no more pork barrel spending! No candidate is really talking enough about overhauling the tax code either. If we simplify the tax code and eliminate tax loopholes, then we won’t need to hire 87K new IRS agents.

  3. Some of the monies left over at the end of each fiscal year will be put towards paying back all the monies that BOTH parties stole from the Social Security Trust Fund over the decades.

    This is only the first realistic step towards fixing the Social Security Trust Fund. I am the only candidate that will stop kicking the can down the road. I will put together a commission to come up with a long-term solution to keep it solvent. Donald Trump says he wants to do nothing about Social Security. This is another of the many things that he is wrong on and I disagree with him on.


  4. Get back to Energy Independence.

    The 2 main causes of inflation are the cost of energy and deficit Government spending. Having spent half of my life working in the Automotive maintenance and Repair industry. First as manager, then as owner of Express Auto Repair in Schaumburg, Il. I have understood for years, more than most people, the effect of the price of oil on the economy and inflation. The more a barrel of oil costs, the more a gallon of fuel costs. That higher fuel price is then added to the cost of EVERYTHING that is delivered, no matter if it’s delivered by truck, boat, plan, etc. Also, the higher the price of a barrel of oil, the more money our adversaries have to use against use and our allies like Israel or Russia against Ukraine.

    This is just the starting point for a quick turnaround of our economy and a REAL Inflation Reduction Act. There are many other things that need to be done like regulation reform, tax code reform, ending most subsidies, banning ESG, and especially green energy scams. I will also end the electric vehicle mandates. Under my administration, the government won’t be picking winners and losers. Also, there will be NO MORE TOO BIG TO FAIL. Truth be told pretty much EVERYTHING needs to be reformed.

    Why is it that most candidates won’t list their specific policy plans on their websites? Are they hiding something, or don’t they want us to know what they have planned? Either way, those that don't, in my opinion, shouldn’t be given serious consideration. If you are tired of just talking points and want plain every day simple common-sense solutions, then I am your candidate.

        Most Americans aren’t even aware that we are spending nearly 2 billion dollars a day servicing just the debt. 


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